1 EXT Day On the street
△ It’s spring, a young man, about 28 or 29 years old, rides a bike and carries a heavy bag pack on his shoulder. He wears a T-shirt with the symbol of “Go”.
△ He rides along a street which near by a forest. There are only few cars. He holds a map in his hand.
△ A man shows him the way.
△ He asks other 2 to 3 persons about the direction.
△ An old man, about 60 years old, looks exactly at the map.
Old man:
You have to go through the forest. This way is shorter than along the street. Do you see that path? (Points out a path, which about 10 steps away from them and shows it to the young man on the map.) This way is much shorter! Really! Just go straight. It’s quite easy, very easy….
Young man:
△ He rides into the Forest.
S2 EXT Day Forest
△ The way isn’t smoothly, actually it’s not “easy” at all!!
△ A withered tree blocks this small path. He can’t go any further.
Young man:
Oh! Shit! What the hell…
△ He jumps down from the bike, and carries his bike across the tree.
△ After across the tree, the ground is very muddy.
SE: roaring of the bear.
△ The young man turns around and sees what’s happened.
VE: With Mosaic. There is a bear standing on the hill. With subtitle: dangerous animal, please run away immediately.
△ The young man runs away immediately.
△ He runs and runs suddenly his tire gets burst.
△ Two divided roads lie in front of him, one of the roads is full with flowers. The young man chooses to follow the flower trace.
△ The trace extends to a house with a beautiful garden.
S3 EXT Day Garden
△ The garden is extremely beautiful and with many flowers that rarely be seen. And the gate of the garden is opened.
Young man:
△ A mysterious women appears, she is about 25 years old and wears a dress with blooms.
Young man:
Hello!…Ahn….I’m…eeee… my bike…..
I know, you’ve seen the bear. Sometimes it happens. Come in please and have some tea!
Young man:
Thank you very much, but my bike is…
Don’t worry about that. We can fix it together later.
Young man:
Ok, that’s great!
△ The woman leads him to insides of the garden.
△ The young man looks around and very enjoys those wonderful scenes, than he asks:
Young man:
You live here alone? This is the most beautiful garden that I’ve ever seen.
Thank you, I’m be flattered. Yes, I live here.
Young man:
But aren’t you be scared? I just can’t believe there are bears in this forest.
But maybe we should be glad that there are still bears. At least it means the environment not yet be destroyed. It’s not easy for this recent world.
Young man:
Yap, that’s true.
△ The woman picks a flower. On the grass lie a Go-table and all the things for people to drink tea. It seems that it’s all prepared long time ago.
Are you traveling or …
Young man:
Yap, it’s the first time for me to travel with….
(He notices the Go board )
Wowoo, you play Go, too?
△ The woman puts the flower into a vase and gives the young man a cup of tea.
Exactly. Wanna to play a game?
Young man:
Sure! I’d like to!
△ They start to play. First “nigiri”. The woman plays white.
△ The young man starts the game with the type of early 20th Japanese style, and the woman plays like the style of young Go-Seigen.
△ The young man is very curious about to know: how strong is the lady? On his face, we can see his doubt and curiosity. He gives a look to the flower that stands in the vase.
△ The young man sets his stones very steady, and says:
Young man:
(Looks at the flower that stands in the vase)
I’m always wondering, why many women like to put a flower in a vase. For instant, my girl is a good example. I always told her: just let the flowers live in the earth, it’s much better than keep them in a vase, and they can live longer, too.
Did you ever hear a poem, it says: “just gather flowers when there are still flowers, otherwise you can only have a branch of it”. To enjoy and to treasure the moment you can have now is truly alive. Alive or Dead depends not on in the earth or in the vase. For example, what’s your goal in playing Go?
Young man:
A solid foundation.
“Golden corners, silver edges, center is shrew.” But have you ever noticed that the flowers around you are blooming?
△ The game is almost till middle game.
△ The woman sets a stone in an important position and changes all the situation. The young man falls in deep thought.
△ The smile of the woman is mysterious.
△ Camera zooms in to the face of the young man.
OS (woman):
The Go board is 19X19 big. One means Beginning and nine means Ending.
△ Some takes about: the young man is working, on the tram, eating, shopping…
OS (woman):
Go Game is the game of time. Every stone lives in the moment when you set them. Every stone is the past of our life, what you’ve ever done, stay on the board and would never be undo.
△ Takes of the game.
OS (woman):
Live in this moment and treasure what you have now is the most important thing in your life.
△ Some takes about: The nature, the plant which in the young man’s room, the young man say: no, I have to work, to his girl friend….
△ (CU) The stones on the board.
△ (CU) The hands set the stone on the board.
△ (CU) The face of the young man.
△ (CU) The smiling lips of the woman.
OS (woman):
Think how to live, not only how to build your own border.
△ The voice of the woman fades away. The young man isn’t very clear-headed, seems just came back from a dream. He asks:
Young man:
What? Did you say anything?
△ The woman smiles and shakes her head.
Nothing, you play very well.
△ The young man sets his last stone.
Young man:
△ Both of them look at the board.
Young man:
Quite close…
I think it’s time for you to go. Your bike is waiting.
Young man:
△ The Woman leads him to his bike.
△ The young man looks confused.
Indeed! There is no problem with your bike.
△ The young man doesn’t believe that, so he presses the tire, and it’s indeed full of air. He looks amazing, can’t understand what happens.
Young man:
Ok! Thanks anyway, and it’s really an exciting game. I’m very enjoying it.
△ He jumps up to his bike.
Young man:
△ The woman stands by flowers and shakes her hand as farewell.
S4 EXT Day Garden
△ Two pairs of feet.
△ The garden is still so wonderful like a paradise.
Girl friend:
Here? I can’t believe what you told me is true….
Young man:
Last year was so beautiful like today, too. But….
Girl friend:
But it doesn’t look like, that someone lives here….
△ They go to the place where the young man ever played with a woman Go-game.
△ The grass is still green, and there are only some usual stones on the grass.
△ The young man picks a flower and gives it to his girl friend.
△ Girl friend smiles and holding him.
△ Track out, fade out. Subtitle: ( one row in Chinese on row in German )
△ Last year, on this day, right in this door.
A woman with a beautiful face and peach flowers round her, both theirs color are red.
I don’t know where is the woman now.
But peach flowers are still here and laughing to the spring wind.
- Apr 10 Mon 2006 18:18
Script 1.0 Version -- Englich